Friday, February 10, 2012


I wasn't even out of my (sofa) bed this morning when the boys had dumped the Zipbin of Duplo on the floor to start building. Duplo is a daily part of our life. As a Lego-addicted mommy, I couldn't be happier. I have an entire closet full of Lego just waiting for them to be old enough for the tiny pieces. And when I say closet full, I really mean it. Their big (Lego themed) Zipbin is less than 1/10 of the size of the storage for the Lego to come. Plus, I already have a box of the new Duplo Learn to Build with Duplo cards at the office as part of their birthday gift (if it waits that long).

Next month, Lego is teaming up with Today's Parent to do a 30 Day Duplo Challenge. They were looking for mom blogs to participate. I signed up and am really hoping to get picked. Clearly we're already fans and even if not picked, I will be looking at the daily challenges to bring more depth to our Lego playtime.

To start the morning, Corwyn began with a checkerboard style tower while Nathan went for the height right away. When the caregiver came, the first thing Corwyn did was have her come check his tower. He was still working on it an hour after he started, and barely stopped long enough to say good-bye to me. How is that for an addiction?


K J and the kids said...

Glad to see you enjoying the finer things in life :)

Love is all you need said...

The little moments are always the best!