Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

I'll give my update in a bit. First I want to say how overly happy I am that two friends just had + beta tests!!!!
When I went for my first try, M and her DH were one of the first ones I met when I walked into my pension. They made me feel welcome from the start. As arranged in advance, I also hooked up with P and her DH who were staying at another hotel. The three of us had the same transfer date and many of the same lead up appointment dates. When M and DH went for a quick European tour, I spent my days with P and DH. We had a blast. We went to all the neighboring towns, shopped, ate together, toured the zoo for hours. It was wonderful. While I met many more people during my stay (my pension was full of those for IVF or DE) my transfer buddies remained the closest.
Unfortunately, that cycle was not the one for any of us. I had a big fat 0 for my beta. M was about the same. P had an initial positive beta, but it didn't double and unfortunately didn't make it very far.
These were my transfer buddies and I am happier than you can imagine that all of us are now pregnant. I cried when I read P's email and it wasn't just the hormones.

Weehee. There is hope after all. I see a European reunion when our kids are old enough to appreciate it.

The Dr appointment last week was very uneventful. I got to pick my hospital for delivery. The one I picked has a good reputation and has the added bonus of being within a few blocks of home and two blocks from work. She will be referring me to an OB group at that hospital, likely in the early new year. I'm not quite high risk, but I am 42 pregnant for the first time with twins. I was also sent off for a whole whack of blood tests. Then an appointment was made for this week.

Fast forward to this week. My blood work is back. TSH is good. I apparently have amazing immunity to measles and chickpocks. My uterus is up above the pelvic bone, where it should be for twins and why I had to buy new clothes. Despite the donor being so young, because of my age, I qualify for the covered Nuchal Screening. This is the only screening I'd consider because it's non-invasive and carries no risk. You can read more about it here The biggest issue I may have with this is getting the appointment in time. It has to be between weeks 11 and 14. So between next week and the end of the year, including all the holiday closures. I'm waiting to hear back on when/if I get the appointment. Then it will be tricky to get the code that determines the overall risk to use the donors age, not mine. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Since my uterus was up, we tried to hear the heartbeats but all we could hear was the very loud whooshing of blood through the placenta. There might have been one small point where we heard something, but the blood pumping drowned it out so they are likely hiding behind their placentas. My uterus is up, but not out very far. My next appointment will be the first week of Jan and the heartbeats should be very clear then!


Anonymous said...

so happy for your friends also, I will pray all goes well for them also. It seems so funny and I know everybody does now having to pick an Hospital. When you were born there was no choice.
Love you and so happy for everybody

Unknown said...

It's a big city, many, many hospitals to chose from. If it doesnt go well and I have seriously premature babies, they will probably be moved. Smaller cities and towns, there is only one hospital with maternity so no choice there.

Anonymous said...

small towns in NS do not have deliveries at all now, think u have a general idea how far from Annapolis to Kentville for delivery and here it is Kentville or Halifax and it would be Halifax, great one there.

Anonymous said...

You are sooo sweet!! WE are excited for you too!!! I really hope we can have that reunion someday!!!

Can you believe it???


R said...