Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pride Weekend - Day 1

Today we ventured onto the skytrain (like a monorail) for the first time. The boys took it like anything else and slept through it. Corwyn was in the single stroller I use for transit and Nathan in the carrier.

It was another scortcher of a day locally. But we wanted to check out the dyke march. We even met up at the end with a woman and her partner from my twin group with their 3 week old b/g twins. They looked so tiny, but were actually a bit bigger than my boys had been at that age!

The boys got into the day, waving their flags (okay, clutching them, but it looks cute). Tomorrow is the Pride Parade. It takes forever so we'll watch a bit then head down to the picnic/booth site at the end.

1 comment:

K J and the kids said...

How fun !
You are so brave to take that on by yourself. Way to go.
Hope you have a fun weekend.