Friday, July 24, 2009


We were between nursing and the supplimentary bottles. And well, the pictures tell the story....

When given the chance, they always seem to pull their heads together and link arms or hands. Its very cute.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big boys

Nathan is now 9lbs 13oz and Corwyn is 9lbs 3oz. They are 22 3/4 and 22 inches long respectively.
I'm sure it was just a fluke, but within 2 minutes of being put on his tummy yesterday morning, Nathan easily rolled over onto his back. Yikes.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Open eyes

The boys with open eyes, and a shot of the dogs. You can imagine the comments I get while walking with the boys and the three dogs.
Their names are Nathan Rhys and Corwyn Thomas. I figured if they wanted, when they got older they could use their middle names if they didnt like their first names.
I honestly dont think they are identical, although they do look so much alike. Corwyn has the premie shaped head (the doctor says its coin shaped - round and flat). That makes it fairly easy to tell them apart right now (from the front). They were di/di while in me. Most di/di twins happen when the egg splits by day 4. They were a 5 day transfer. So, while not impossible for them to be identical, its unlikely. We'll have to wait and see.
Things are going really well. I have some questions for some of you, and will find time to ask this week (re meds etc). I just wanted to get some new pics up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

They grew

Nathan (baby A)
Born 9:01 May 27th at 35w1d - 9 on Apgar
Weight 2895g; 6.4lbs
Length 51cm; 20 inches
Came home from NICU on June 16 - weight 2930g

June 25
Weight 3420g; 7.5 lbs 50-75th percentile
Length 52.8cm; 20.8 inches 90th percentile

Corwyn (baby B)
Born 9:02 May 27th at 35w1d - 9 on Apgar
Weight 2340g; 5.15lbs
Length 47cm; 18.5 inches
Transfer to high lvl NICU May 28th
Came home from NICU on June 5 - weight 2302g

June 25
Weight 3210g; 7.1lbs 50th percentile
Length 51.2cm; 20 inches 75-90th percentile

They are going to be very tall boys if they keep this up! They were officially due on June 30th. So they now have an age and an adjusted age. I think their 'skills' development fits somewhere between the two. Their next Ped appointment is on the 13th.

Both are doing great. Corwyn "looks" like a premie for his head shape, although his attitude and growth dont show it. Nathan looks like a term newborn (always has).

They went for their sweat test to test for cystic fibrosis, actually we went twice. Corwyn had enough sweat the first time, but Nathan had to go back again for a second try. I find out the results when we go to the CF clinic on the 15th. I was reading about CF in What to Expect. Here's the highlight as it relates to CF with bowel issues (as opposed to breathing) "with digesgtive system invovelment, mucus secretions may make first bowel movements after birth difficult to pass, causing intestinal obstruction". Fits with what was going on. We'll see what they say. I cant do anything about it right now no matter what the results are so I'll just enjoy being a mom and deal with whatever comes this way next.

Corwyn has developed some dry skin on the top of his head. Anywhere he's gotten it, his hair has fallen out. So he's now bald on top. Doctor didnt seem concerned , but I'm watching it.

I'm getting sleep, now and again, in between feeding, pumping, rocking etc.

I have always 'subscribed' to the concept of Attachment Parenting. I'm doing "ok" with it right now, not perfect, but okay. Not for lack of trying though, so I'm not beating myself up over it.

Co-sleeping is going well. I think we all like it. Right now, I use a close and secure for the babe who sleeps furthers from me (they trade places) and the other boy will sleep between it and me. This way, I'm not worried about someone rolling too far away or off the bed. I'll need to get a railing soon.

I still dont have a full milk supply. So they get some nursing, some pumped milk via bottle and some premie formula. I'm still trying to increase my supply and following every suggestion for doing it, no matter how far fetched. I'll take more ideas. I now feed them both at the same time, no matter the source of the food. This has given me back some time for sleep, pumping etc and also relieves the guilt if while feeding one, the other was crying. So for breast feeding, I have an A for effort, but a C for how its going.

No cry-it-out. I'm doing well with this too. I really dont like hearing them cry and find it quite natural to do anything necessary to stop it. The only time I cant help is if I'm indisposed (say Nathan starts crying hard while I'm bathing Corwyn). It makes me feel bad, but I know I cant do anything about it. They dont cry often anyway, so I count myself lucky.

Babywearing is another I wish I was doing better at, although not for lack of trying. Its harder with twins anyway, there arent many carriers that work with two, or at least with two newborns. I have a moby and a baby budda. I like both, but its way, way to hot for them to be in right now. I was using the baby bjorn a friend gave me, but today splurged for a Becco Butterfly 2. Wow, what a great carrier. I can only carry one with it, but its better for whichever one and much better on my back. As they grow, I have more options, like one on front, one on back or on both hips. So for now, its one at a time unless the temperature goes way down. (Oh, baby wearing is supposed to help increase your milk supply)

So thats it for now for an update. Next post will have some more pictures.